Tuesday, 20 July 2010

£25 Giveaway winner!

For the crafty homebody blogger the biggest sin
must be a post with no pictures in,
I hope you'll forgive me for leaving them out
I hope you don't whine, or stamp or pout.
So to make up for being picture free
I am blogging in rhyme as you can see....

Well ok, I am not going to write an entire post in rhyme, don't worry!  But I do I hope you excuse the lack of pictures though, and the tardiness of my announcement of the winner, life has got in the way the last few days, long story.

So without further ado as they say, the winner is...

Mrs Shilts!  Fellow crafty person and devotee of the boxy pouch.

I used a random number generator thingy, numbered all the comments 1 through to 12 and, well, randomly generated...

Congratulations Mrs Shilts!  I will get the people at CSN stores to email you your £25 voucher straight away so you can get spending!  Thanks to everybody who entered and to those of you who I shamelessly bribed to follow me :)

Photos will return once more,
of this fact you can sure.
So it just remains to say,
farewell 'til another day.
("No more rhyming now I mean it...
...anybody wanna peanut?")

(First person to name that film wins a boxy pouch!)



  1. Absolutely fantastic! Thank you very much x

  2. Frank and Kismit have the answer to your question as it is one of their favourite films (after all they are both rodents of unusual size). When they saw the question they said "Ah, you challenge us to a battle of wits! Easy! Have you ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates? Morons!". They added that they are too manly for a boxy pouch and are happy for another correct answer to win or for it to go to The Bringer Of Vegetables. Also they said that they'd heard that it's a film very popular with Norwich City fans due to its equal opportunities for six-fingered people.

  3. Princess Bride!!! I will take Rob's boxy pouch. ;) <3 that movie.


I love to hear from my readers so please drop me a note :)