Monday 25 January 2010

Happy Birthday Robbie

"Ask why God made the Gem so small,
An' why so huge the granite?
Because God meant mankind should set
That higher value on it."
                                        Robert Burns

Happy Burn's Night one and all! 

My Scottish roots require me to celebrate tonight...

It's a tough job but somebody's got to do it...

 And yes haggis is on the menu, with neeps and tatties and a whisky and mushroom sauce...

Trust me despite appearances it is delicious!

Have a good one!


  1. Whisky mmmmm,mmmmmm but haggis urrrrrm sorry, no thank you!!

    Happy burns night - have fun.

    Nina xxxxx

  2. Happy Burns night.
    My hubby wishes he could pop round and join in your celebration, I'm not sure if its the whisky that he would like to help drink or the haggis that he wishes he could try!

  3. Happy Burns night hun! We often have haggis in this house - yum, yum! Enjoy! xx


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